• The Notes of Da Vinci

    1452-1519 AD

  • The Works of Erasmus

    1466-1536 AD

  • The Works of Machiavelli

    1469-1527 AD

  • The Poetry of Ludovico Ariosto

    1474-1533 AD

  • The Works of Saint Thomas More

    1478-1535 AD

  • The Works of Francois Rabelais

    1483-1553 AD

  • The Works of Margaret of Navarre

    1492-1549 AD

  • The Works of Luís de Camões

    1524-1580 AD

  • The Essays of Montaigne

    1533-1592 AD

  • The Works of Cervantes

    1547-1616 AD

  • The Works of Edmund Spenser

    1552-1599 AD

  • The Poetry of Philip Sidney

    1554-1586 AD

  • The Works of Christopher Marlowe

    1564-1593 AD

  • The Works of Shakespeare

    1564-1616 AD

  • The Works of Thomas Nashe

    1567-1601 AD

  • The Works of John Marston

    1567-1634 AD

  • The Works of Thomas Dekker

    1572-1632 AD

  • The Works of Ben Jonson

    1572-1637 AD

  • The Works of Thomas Middleton

    1580-1627 AD

  • The Works of Richard Corbet

    1582-1635 AD

  • The Works of Francis Beaumont

    1584-1616 AD

  • The Works of William Drummond

    1585-1649 AD

  • The Works of Joost van den Vondel

    1587-1679 AD

  • The Works of Pierre Corneille

    1606-1684 AD

  • The Poetry of John Milton

    1608-1694 AD

  • The Works of Moliere

    1622-1673 AD

  • The Works of Blaise Pascal

    1623-1662 AD

  • The Works of John Dryden

    1631-1700 AD

  • The Novels of Madame de La Fayette

    1634-1693 AD

  • The Works of Racine

    1639-1699 AD

  • The Plays of William Wycherley

    1641-1716 AD

  • The Works of Jonathan Swift

    1667-1745 AD

  • The Works of Alexander Pope

    1688-1744 AD

  • The Works of Laurence Sterne

    1713-1768 AD

  • The Works of Tobias Smollett

    1721-1777 AD

  • The Works of Oliver Goldsmith

    1728-1774 AD

  • The Works of Charles Churchill

    1732-1764 AD

  • The Biographies of James Boswell

    1740-1795 AD


  • The Works of John Donne

    1572-1631 AD

  • The Works of Richard Crashaw

    1612-1649 AD

  • The Works of Abraham Cowley

    1618-1667 AD

  • The Works of Henry Vaughan

    1621-1695 AD

  • The Works of Thomas Traherne

    1636-1674 AD

  • The Works of John Wilmot

    1647-1680 AD

  • The Works of Joseph Addison & Sir Richard Steele

    1672-1719 AD

    1672-1729 AD


  • The Works of Francis Bacon

    1561-1626 AD

  • The Works of Hugo Grotius

    1583-1645 AD

  • The Works of Thomas Hobbes

    1588-1679 AD

  • The Works of Christiaan Huygens

    1629-1695 AD

  • The Works of Spinoza

    1632-1677 AD

  • The Works of John Locke

    1632-1704 AD

  • The Works of Robert Hooke

    1635-1703 AD

  • The Works of Isaac Newton

    1642-1727 AD

  • The Works of Leibniz

    1646-1716 AD

  • The Works of John Toland

    1670-11722 AD

  • The Works of Ludwig Holberg

    1684-1754 AD

  • The Works of George Berkeley

    1685-1753 AD

  • The Works of Emanuel Swedenborg

    1688-1772 AD

  • The Works of Joseph Butler

    1692-1752 AD

  • The Works of Voltaire


  • The Works of Lord Henry Kames

    1696-1782 AD

  • The Works of Benjamin Franklin

    1706-1790 AD

  • The Works of Carl Linnaeus

    1707-1778 AD

  • The Works of David Hume

    1711-1776 AD

  • The Works of Roger Boscovich

    1711-1787 AD

  • The Works of Rousseau

    1712-1778 AD

  • The Works of Diderot

    1713-1784 AD

  • The Works of Josiah Tucker

    1713-1799 AD

  • The Works of Jean le Rond d’Alembert

    1717-1783 AD

  • The Works of Baron Holbach

    1723-1789 AD

  • The Works of Adam Smith

    1723-1790 AD

  • The Works of Richard Price

    1723-1791 AD

  • The Works of Adam Ferguson

    1723-1816 AD

  • The Works of Gotthold Lessing

    1729-1781 AD

  • The Works of Joseph Priestley

    1733-1804 AD

  • The Works of JL Lagrange

    1736-1813 AD

  • The Histories of Edward Gibbon

    1737-1794 AD

  • The Works of Thomas Paine

    1737-1809 AD

  • The Works of Antoine Lauoisier

    1743-1794 AD

  • The Works of Marquis de Condorcet

    1743-1794 AD

  • The Works of Thomas Jefferson

    1743-1826 AD

  • The Works of James Madison

    1751-1836 AD

  • The Works of Alexander Hamilton

    1755-1804 AD

  • The Works of Wolfgang Mozart

    1756-1791 AD


  • The Works of Frederick Marryat

    1792-1848 AD