• The Works of Saint Clement of Rome

    35-99 AD

  • The Works of Saint Polycarp of Smyrna

    69-155 AD

  • The Works of Saint Justin Martyr

    100-165 AD

  • The Works of Saint Ignatius of Antioch

    108-135 AD

  • The Works of Saint Irenaeus of Lyons

    130-202 AD

  • The Works of Saint Clement of Alexandria

    150-215 AD

  • The Works of Quintus Tertullianus

    155-220 AD

  • The Works of Origen of Alexandria

    184-253 AD

  • The Works of Saint Cyprian of Carthage

    210-258 AD

  • The Works of Lactantius

    250-325 AD

  • The Works of Eusebius of Caesarea

    260-340 AD

  • The Works of Saint Pamphilus of Caesarea

    3rd Century - 309 AD

  • The Works of Saint Aphrahat

    280-345 AD

  • The Works of Saint Pachomius

    292-348 AD

  • The Works of Saint Athanasius of Alexandria

    296-373 AD

  • The Works of Saint Ephrem the Syrian

    306-373 AD

  • The Works of Saint Hilary of Poitiers

    310-367 AD

  • The Works of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

    315-386 AD

  • The Works of Saint Basil the Great

    330-379 AD

  • The Works of Saint Gregory of Nyssa

    332-395 AD

  • The Works of Saint Gregory of Nazianzus

    329-389 AD

  • The Works of Saint Ambrose of Milan

    340-397 AD

  • The Works of Saint Jerome of Stridonium

    342-420 AD

  • The Works of Saint John Chrysostom

    345-407 AD

  • The Works of Saint Augustine of Hippo

    354-430 AD

  • The Works of Sulpicius Severus

    363-425 AD

  • The Works of Saint Cyril of Alexandria

    376-444 AD

  • The Works of Prosper of Aquitaine

    390-455 AD

  • The Works of Saint Peter Chrysologus

    400-450 AD


  • The Works of Saint Pope Leo the Great

    400-460 AD

  • The Works of Saint Fabius Fulgentius

    5th-6th Century

  • The Works of Saint Pope Gregory I

    540-604 AD

  • The Works of Saint Isidore of Seville

    560-636 AD

  • The Works of Saint Maximus the Confessor

    580-662 AD

  • The Works of Saint Isaac of Nineveh

    613-700 AD

  • The Works of Venerable Bede

    673-735 AD

  • The Works of Saint John Damascus

    675-749 AD

  • The Works of Einhard

    775-840 AD

  • Works of Saint Gregory of Narek

    951-1003 AD

  • Beowulf

    ~ 975 AD

  • Poem of the Cid

    ~ 1000 AD

  • The Works of Saint Peter Damian

    1007-1072 AD

  • The Works of Saint Anselm

    1033-1109 AD

  • The Works of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

    1090-1153 AD

  • Brut, Layamon

    ~ 1100 AD

  • The Romance of Tristan and Iseult

    ~ 1100 AD

  • The Chronicles of Jocelyn de Brakelond

    12th Century

  • The Poetry of Marie de France

    12th Century

  • Táin Bó Cúailnge

    12th Century

  • The Works of Peter Abelard

    1079-1142 AD

  • The Works of Saint Hildeburg of Bingen

    1098-1179 AD

  • The Poetry of Robert Wace

    1110-1174 AD

  • The Poetry of Chretian de Troyes

    1135-1185 AD

  • The Poetry of Wolfram von Eschenbach

    1160-1220 AD

  • The Works of Snorri Sturluson

    1179-1241 AD

  • The Works of Saint Anthony of Padua

    1195-1231 AD

  • The Orkneyinga Saga

    13th Century

  • The Saga of the Völsungs

    13th Century

  • The Laxdæla Saga

    13th Century

  • Nibelungenlied

    ~ 1200 AD

  • The Works of Saint Albertus Magnus

    1200-1280 AD

  • The Works of Saint Mechthild of Magdeburg

    1207-1282 AD

  • The Works of Saint Bonaventure

    1221-1274 AD

  • The Works of Saint Thomas Aquinas

    1225-1274 AD

  • The Works of Jacobus de Varagine

    1230-1298 AD

  • The Works of Marco Polo

    1254-1324 AD

  • The Works of Dante

    1265-1321 AD

  • Njal's Saga

    ~ 1270-1290 AD

  • The Pearl Poet

    14th Century


  • The Memoirs of Sir John Mandeville

    1300-1383 AD

  • The Poetry of Petrarch

    1304-1374 AD

  • The Works of Boccaccio

    1313-1375 AD

  • Piers Plowman, William Langland

    1332-1386 AD

  • The Works of Chaucer

    1340-1400 AD

  • The Works of Julian of Norwich

    1343-1416 AD

  • The Works of Saint Catherine of Siena

    1347-1379 AD

  • The Mabinogion

    ~ 1350-1410 AD

  • The Works of Christine de Pizan

    1364-1430 AD

  • The Cloud of Unknowing

    14th Century

  • The Works of Thomas à Kempis

    1380-1471 AD

  • The Summoning of Everyman

    15th Century

  • Tirant lo Blanch, Joanot Martorell

    1410-1465 AD

  • The Works of Thomas Malory

    1415-1471 AD

  • The Works of François Villon

    1431-1463 AD

  • The Poetry of Matteo Maria Boiardo

    1440-1494 AD

  • The Poetry of Ludovico Ariosto

    1474-1533 AD

  • Chronicles


  • The Works of Martin Luther

    1483-1546 AD

  • The Works of John Calvin

    1509-1564 AD

  • The Works of John Knox

    1514-1572 AD